The Trusted Name in Temporary Storage
Get to know a new standard in efficiency and productivity with Brock’s LeMar® economical range of bunker storage products.
Customize the package that’s right for you from our exclusive hot-dip galvanized or painted bunker wall frames, powerful aeration fans, heavy-duty tarps and robust pipe.
This is precision design for quick payback and unsurpassed quality and reliability.
Choose from rectangular or oval LeMar® Bunker Systems to meet any operation’s needs:
- Economical and easy to relocate or reconfigure.
- Exclusive stabilizer skid angle to keep walls straight and reduce wall slide.
- 4-, 6-, 8- and 10-ft., (1.2, 1.8, 2.4 and 3 m) hot-dip galvanized steel walls.
- Galvanized corrugated wall sheeting.
- Hooded louvered opening for intake to eliminate plugged air holes.

Powerful Aeration Fans
Knowing aeration is the key to successful grain storage, particularly in a temporary grain pile. We designed our fans for maximum power and performance:
- Engineered to assure proper airflow.
- Negative air aeration systems.
- Custom designed for bunker size.
- Axial flow or centrifugal style.
Robust Pipe
We offer a full range of aeration pipe to meet any operation’s size and capacity needs:
- Poly and steel.
- 12- to 24-in. (304.8 to 609.6 mm) sizes available.
Heavy-Duty Tarps
Our durable tarps keep grain safely covered and sealed from the elements to offer optimum potential for high salability:
- Woven, reinforced polyethylene at 12/14 mils (0.305/0.356 mm)
- Additional woven polyethylene thicknesses, polyethylene string and vinyl covers available.
- Covering permanently affixed to frame top.
- Custom covers available to suit your needs.

The LeMar® Commercial Center Tower Full Round Aeration System and Mini Temporary Grain Storage System deliver balanced aeration throughout the entire grain mass. These state-of-the-art systems push airflow through the entire grain mass without costly turning, for effectiveness similar to full floor aeration in upright grain bins.
Perimeter walls allow outside air to enter evenly, and hooded louvered openings (instead of perforations) are specifically designed to prevent blockages on the walls and aeration tower.

The aeration tower, conveyor with truss and distribution box are designed and factory welded to be hoisted into place at the job site and quickly bolted together with minimal welding. The all-steel aeration rests at a 30-degree angle to prevent adverse weather infiltration that could block air entry. Wall height of 48 to 120 inches (121.9 to 304.8 cm) allows plenty of surface area for balanced airflow while facilitating easy tarp tie down.
Computer-assisted design and estimation lets us optimize performance and minimize per bushel storage costs on your storage requirements. We can quickly and accurately detail the most efficient and cost-effective system for your needs. Systems now in use range in capacity from 100,000 to 2 million bushels (3,524 to 70,478 cubic meters)