Gutwein Promoted to Project Manager for Brock

MILFORD, Indiana, U.S.A. — Adam Gutwein has been promoted to Project Manager for Brock Grain Systems, according to Mark Dingeldein, New Product Development Director for the CTB Inc. business unit. In this new position, Gutwein’s responsibilities include design reviews, product support, scheduling, tracking and coordination of new products being developed for Brock.
Gutwein joined Brock as a Design Engineer in 2015. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Physics from Grace College, Winona Lake, Indiana, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Trine University, Angola, Indiana.
Proficient in Spanish, Gutwein grew up in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, where his parents were in missionary service. He currently resides in Goshen, Indiana.