SUPERB ENERGY MISER® SQ Series Dryers Offer Quiet, Efficient On-Farm Grain Drying

MILFORD, Indiana, U.S.A. — Brock Grain Systems has recently introduced the SUPERB ENERGY MISER® SQ Series Grain Dryers. The new dryers are full heat continuous flow to provide farmers with several options for drying grain. Depending on the options chosen, these innovative dryers can provide full heat, pressure heat/pressure cool or pressure heat/vacuum cool drying modes to meet on-farm grain drying needs.
Brock’s SUPERB ENERGY MISER SQ Series Dryer is unique in using a super quiet double width, double-inlet centrifugal blower as standard equipment. This blower provides maximum airflow and energy-efficiency while being quieter to operate.
Also unique for a grain dryer is Brock’s EVENFLO® Dryer Unloading System. The innovative slow-moving drag-style conveyor gently handles grain while uniformly unloading the grain dryer’s columns for more consistent drying results.
The new Brock dryers feature a stainless steel, 18-gauge perforated skin for a lifetime of satisfaction and high asset retention value. All models have entrances at the top and bottom of the dryer as well as a vertical access plenum door for easy access to all areas of the dryer.
Literature downloads and more information about Brock SUPERB ENERGY MISER® SQ Series Grain Dryers are available here.